The final workshop focused on rendering techniques and presentation of drawings. The first week was spent going through some basics of plan, section and elevation drawings, a lot of which was familiar to me as I had just focused on them in the first drawing workshop. We did a few class exercises on drawing sections and elevation off of a plan, and were told where the drawings should be placed in reference to the plan. The tutors did a presentation of the four buildings we were to choose from for our major assignment. They explained a lot of different aspects of the drawings, like the trees and the landscape and different ways to represent them using various media, and incorporate them into presentation drawings. I chose the Ken Israel House for my final presentation, and used coloured pencils to render it. I drafted the drawings in lead pencil first, to make sure I got them correct and then went over them with black felt tip pen, making some of the lines thicker to accentuate it. I tried to focus on making my drawings clearer, using the feedback from the second round workshop. It was my first time drafting and I was quite pleased with how they turned out. It was a great learning experience in drafting, and I thought my drawings turned out quite strongly on final presentation. My rendering wasn't as strong as I would have liked and I received feedback to work on my trees in plan, which I could understand. I did experiment with a few different techniques in my sketchbook when I was experimenting with colours, however I thought that they would turn out better than they did. I learnt from it though, and will definitely work on them for future works. I found it really helpful to see the works of other students and the different techniques and media they employed, as it was quite inspiring for future ideas. I think the final workshop was a great learning experience and I have learnt a few things that I will definitely be drawing on in the future, and will endeavour to be more experimental in my works.
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